
Well that was unexpected...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It Happens Every Day

Yesterday in my first morning class, I was asked a very unique writing prompt. School has been active for about 12 weeks now and I was to write about what I have learned in that particular class over this period of time. It was a government class so I thought about something simple, like who John Locke was, but my mind faced it self with a much greater question: What have I learned over the past 12 weeks not only in government, but over the course of my Senior Year? The Answer? So much to the point where life changed over night. Doing college/scholarship has taught me how to be responsible and on time, the triple load of homework has taught me how to manage studying and social life successfully, writing online has (funny enough) taught me how to be more social and accepting of criticisms, and most of all turning 18 gave me a taste of the adult life that is to come. Applying for the SSS taught me how to handle stress and showed me that there will be worse to come. If anything, knowing that has made me a more positive person for I can see it will be needed to help get through hard times. I am proud to blog happiness and the lessons I have been learning on this strange trip called life. To me, it does not matter what age you are. An 18 year old is just as lost as an 80 year old but that's what keeps life interesting. We are all searching the answers to living and find our mistakes to be the best part. Like I've said before, I cannot wait to get old. The stories of how I learned to live and the path I am still taking to find that answer will be wonderful for me to tell. I do not care if the answer does not exist. The mistake of me believing it certainly isn't hurting my life, it's actually improving. So to answer the question of what I have learned over the first 12 weeks of my Senior Year would be how to experience life with small mistakes. They really are what is worth living for in life. Perfection is boring; I'd always rather be accident prone.

Ta Ta for now, see you again when the times call for it.

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