
Well that was unexpected...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mother Nature Wanted a Visit

Sometimes hopeless is hopeful and I certainly learned that yesterday
I was returning from an evening of studying when I found myself with no ride home. I pondered my fate and came across a blessing called my girlfriend's truck. She managed to get me home in one piece, we kissed, then departed. I strolled to my front door and reached my front pockets for my keys....and found it to be empty. I scramble through every possible opening in my jeans and backpack with the same result. I plopped my self in a chair outside and tried to think where my keys could have ended up. A few minutes later, the answer came to me in the form of a phone call from my girlfriend: I left them at her house.

So their I was, trapped outside in 95 degree weather with very few options. I as I do in stressful situations, I pulled out a book and began reading it. This strange sensation came over me when I began the book and it made me feel a bit uncomfortable. Thinking it was the heat, I hooked up my iPod to a portable speaker I have to distract myself from it. Once the music started I felt it. It was the feeling from before. It was a feeling I had not felt for so long. It was relaxation and not just any ol' relaxation; it was relaxation from being with nature. I read and hear music all the time inside the comfort of a modern home but being outside brought out a different feel. The calm breeze, smell of trees, and beautiful color of the sky brought me back to Mother Nature herself. I actually wanted to be outside. I felt like I was in a world all of my own free of stress despite the situation I was in. When help finally came, I frowned at the thought of leaving this comfort zone. I learned something from it though.

Modern life has it wonderful comforts but with it comes quite a lot of stress. Work, school, and just life can sometimes bring one down. Yet we forget that the greatest stress reliever exists just right outside your door. Nature's beauty will open it's arms out to you and relax every last nerve you have. Reading, writing, constructing a machine, or just simply sitting become much more enjoyable when you place your being in Nature. I am actually typing this outside and have it enjoyed it more than any other post I have done to this day. I highly suggest to you masses to let Mother Nature spoil you for a bit. You certainly will not regret it.

Ta Ta for now, see you again when times call for it

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